InTouch Payments now Accepted

InTouch Payments now Live!

Ithaca Schools is ready to begin accepting online payments through InTouch, our new payment vendor. VANCO/REVTRAK has been discontinued and is no longer active for online payments. 

InTouch can be used to pay tech fees, lunch deposits, latchkey deposits, and Library (Destiny) fees and fines! More fees will be made available for online payment as we expand this system in the future. 

While there are many enhancements this system allows for, one of the main enhancements is the rapid reflection of deposits in the lunch accounts. Deposits made online will be reflected in your child's lunch account within the hour (if making a deposit 5 minutes before the top of the hour, it may take until the next hour to be reflected). The balance can also be seen through the portal so you have an up-to-date balance at all times. 

You must log in to your PowerSchool parent portal account to access InTouch. This has to be done through a web browser as the PowerSchool app doesn't allow for the Payment extension to be added. For more information and directions, please use the link below or navigate to the Parent and Community Information > Parent Portal/Payment Information section on our website. 

InTouch Payment Portal Directions