This week students in Ms. Foglesong's class used their skills learned from the Positivity Project to write every classmate a kind message.  The students' positive comments helped us put into practice the lessons learned from our daily P2 lessons.  
12 months ago, 6th Grade
Positivity Project in Action
These past few days the sixth graders have been using their math skills to create a grid and scale drawing project. The students demonstrate their knowledge of similar figures, determining the scale factor, as well as measurement of the grid and enlarging their choice of cartoon or design. Check out the beginning process and finished projects pictures forthcoming soon!
12 months ago, 6th Grade
Grid and Scale 2
Grid and Scale 1
Awards Assembly/Music Performance: We will be having an awards assembly for grades 3rd - 5th grades on June 7th at 9:30 AM. Please note that not all students will be receiving an award. In addition to the awards assembly, we will be having a short music performance during the assembly. Due to limited space, we ask that only parents/guardians attend the assembly.
12 months ago, 6th Grade
Awards Assembly info
6th Grade Graduation Info: Our 6th grade graduation will take place outside in front of the gym/lawn area on June 8th beginning at 10 AM. Please bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for you and your guests. Graduation is for 6th grade families only.
12 months ago, 6th Grade
6th grade graduation info
The sixth graders would like to thank Gratiot County Community Foundation for the grant they were awarded. This grant helped support our 6th grade camp funds to ensure every kid was able to attend the 3 day 2 night adventure. We deeply appreciate your support to our students and our school.
12 months ago, 6th Grade
GCCF Thank You
The Greenfield Village field trip is tomorrow! The Fifth Grade Teachers look forward to seeing students and their adult chaperones tomorrow, May 19, at 6:30 AM in their classrooms. Please remember any food, sunscreen, cell phone, or other supplies you think you may need for a day spent mostly outdoors, walking! Students riding the bus to Ithaca from the Village will be at North School's gym lot around 6 PM. Parents need to pick up those children at North school at 6 PM.
12 months ago, 5th Grade
North Elementary students excelling in May! Here are your May Students of the Month!
12 months ago, North Elementary
This week the Positivity Project (P2) focuses on: OTHER PEOPLE MINDSET “Character strengths aren’t about ignoring the negative. Instead, they help us overcome life’s inevitable adversities.”--JEFF BRYAN (P2 co-founder and Executive Director)
12 months ago, 6th Grade
P2 for May 29-June 2
Our Chief Science Officers joined CSOs from area districts for a STEAM-based field trip to Detroit. We enjoyed the Ford Piquette Plant Museum, the Belle Isle Aquarium, and the Detroit Institute of Arts. Thank you Center for Excellence in STEM Education for this amazing opportunity to see STEAM skills at work in the real world!
12 months ago, Amy Hindbaugh-Marr
ford Piquette museum
belle isle aquarium
Detroit institute of arts
Today our sixth graders traveled to Delta College Planetarium in Bay City as part of our PTO sponsored field trip! Our program was titled, STARS, and it included many interesting facts. Everyone enjoyed the program, especially the roller coaster ride at the end of the feature program. The students learned more about how to identify stars in our night sky and also just how big the universe really is. After our trip to the planetarium the students enjoyed a picnic lunch. Again many thanks to our PTO for sponsoring our trip along with all of the parents/family that were able to join us!
12 months ago, 6th Grade
picnic in Bay City
picnic on the lawn
Third and Fourth graders learned about the importance of Memorial Day during art class. Afterwards they engaged in an opportunity to create agamographs to honor those individuals who gave everything for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today. From one angle an eagle is visible in front of the USA flag, and from the opposite angle the silhouette of a soldier saluting is visible. Thank you to everyone who has served our country and to the families who have sacrificed even more.
12 months ago, Miss Beach
third grade eagles
third grade soldiers
fourth grade soldiers
fourth grade eagles
Our 3rd grade Yellowjackets delivered 51 birthday bags to the Community Food Pantry today. These kids were inspired by the idea and thrilled to know kids in our community will have a birthday cake on their birthday! Thank you to all the families who donated supplies for the cause.
12 months ago, 3rd Grade
bday bags
The 5th graders took a trip to the Gratiot County Commission on Aging to visit some incredible military Veterans. Their stories were incredible and we greatly appreciate them for taking the time to do this for us.
12 months ago, 5th Grade
Here is our North Elementary 2023 Graduation walk with the seniors!
12 months ago, 6th Grade
Our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Morris, set up a book walk around our North Elementary School. A book walk is like a gallery walk, but for books! During the book walk, students moved around the school and read each page of the book. This was a great way to incorporate movement into reading as well as enjoy the outside!
12 months ago, 6th Grade
book walk
book walk
book walk
On Monday the sixth graders went to visit the junior high school to tour around and eat lunch. This experience gave our students the confidence of becoming familiar with their new school next year as well as what to expect lunches will be like too! Our 7th and 8th grade guides were wonderful sharing their knowledge with us as well as introducing us to their classroom teachers in junior high. We even learned how to open up a combination lock for our new lockers.
12 months ago, 6th Grade
7th/8th graders showing our 6th graders how to open their lockers
Our students going over expectations for next year
6th grade camp was a huge success! We enjoyed three days at YMCA Camp Nissokone in Oscoda. While at camp the students worked together and had many engaging opportunities to build positive relationships with their peers as well as be challenged along with teamwork skills. Activities included: ziplining, arrow tag, OLS (outdoor living skills), kayaking, teams course, archery, rock wall, and arts & crafts. We would like to thank the parent chaperones who made our trip possible as well as everyone who helped support the students in raising the funds for camp.
12 months ago, 6th Grade
6th grade camp photos
This week the Positivity Project (P2) focuses on: TEAMWORK “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."--HENRY FORD
12 months ago, 6th Grade
P2 for week of May 22-26
Hello North Families, We hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather! Please pay close attention to the dates on the back of The Buzz for important end of the school year information! Also, next week will be the last week of library for the year. All books must be turned in by May 26, 2023. Have a great weekend and swarm together
12 months ago, Ithaca Public Schools
The Buzz 5.19.23 pg. 1
The Buzz 5.19.23 pg. 2
Summer School Letter
Summer School Request Form
Positivity Project Letter
The 3rd graders sure enjoyed their tasty treats from Big Top Ice Cream this afternoon! Thank you for letting us visit today. We are grateful to our community partners for building positive relationships with our staff and students. I
almost 1 year ago, 3rd Grade
Ice cream