


Happy birthday to Cody Daniels

Attention seniors:  all books MUST be returned to the media center, DO NOT LEAVE IN LOCKER AND DO NOT LEAVE IN CLASSROOMS.  You are responsible for any books not returned.  You will not get your diploma if books are missing and have not been paid for, fines must also be paid.  Lockers MUST be cleaned out, stickers have to be taken off, all decorations left on the lockers and anything left in lockers will be thrown away.

Seniors if you have medication in the office, please pick it up at the end of the day.  All medication left will be thrown out.

It’s that time of the year again. If you are interested in being a part of the 2024-2025 High School Student Council, please fill out the application you’ve received in your email. This is for grades 8-11 and applications are due by today by 3:00pm!

Attention next year high school football players:  100 day meeting will be in the weight room on Tuesday and 7:40 am

Attention 7th-10th graders:  if interested in participating in the Gratiot Area Youth Police Academy, there are forms in the office for you to fill out.  Deadline to enroll is June 7th.

Boys Jr High Track runners if you have not turned in your picture forms they need to be turned in today. 

If you are interested in poms next year, tryouts will be Monday May 20th - sign ups are outside the athletic office.

Any athlete that is done with their spring sport, or still owes us a winter sport uniform, please start turning them in Monday so we can have them all collected before the end of the school year. Seniors will not be allowed to pick up their graduation packet until after uniforms are turned in. Please see the athletic office for questions.  


Soccer at Beaverton bus leaves 3:45

Jr High Softball home 5:00

Saturday Sports:

Varsity Softball and Baseball at home 10:00 am against Holly