


Assembly Schedule- Homecoming Day Schedule

Happy birthday to Emma Janes, Aubree Reisterer

Happy birthday over the weekend to Emma Juhas, Braden Litwiller, Michael Richter and Matthew Groulx

Today is the last day to pre-buy Snowcoming tickets! 

Tickets are $10/ticket. The Snowcoming dance is tomorrow from  8:30pm-11:00 pm at Ithaca High School.

Please release student council members at 9:30 am and Buff Puff players and coaches at 9:45 am. 

Ithaca FFA meeting on Monday at 6:30pm in ag barn


Varsity Bowling in Bay City at 1:00

Varsity Girls & Varsity Boys Basketball at Nouvel bus leaves at 3:45

Saturday Sports:

We are hosting Wrestling Individual Regionals starting at 9:00am

We have 6 Wrestlers that have qualified and will be wrestling in the Regional tomorrow, come on out and support them!

Sunday Sage Lamey and Dazira Baker are heading to the Girls Wrestling Regional at Howell