


Happy Birthday to Clayton Stratton

Adrian is here today at 9:30

The Model United Nations team will meet today during lunch in Mr. Lincoln’s room. Any high school student interested in world events may still join the team.

Students that were on Homecoming Court, if you want your sign from the wagon, please stop in Mrs. Shankel’s room before the end of the week! They will be going in the trash on Friday!

There will be a spectators bus for the football game on Saturday.  Bus leaves at 10:45 am.  No cost to ride the bus, must pre-buy tickets on-line.  Cost is $9.00 at  Must sign up outside of the athletic office by today at 3:00

High School Bowling practice begins today at 3:30 at Pins, you must have a physical on hand in the athletic office 

After School Study is open today from 3:10-4:00.  See Ms. Dailey, Mrs. Jorae, Mrs. Krieg, or Ms. Lehner.

Any girl that is interested in trying out for poms, needs to meet in the bench hallway today to give coach your size for uniforms

There will be a poms meeting NEXT Thursday 11/16 during High School lunch. If you cannot make that meeting, please let your coach know today. 

There will be a short meeting for any 9th and 10th grade boys playing basketball, in Mr. Macha’s room, on Friday, October 10th, during lunch.


Volleyball Regionals at home starting at 6:00, if you are attending you must purchase a ticket on - passes do not work