


Happy Birthday to Addison Burnell and Aiden Shaffer

Pictures retake are today. 🙂

There will be  a Robotics Team meeting tomorrow in Mr. Lincoln’s room at lunch. Please bring your lunch. If you can’t come or are interested in still joining, please see Mr. Lincoln or Mr. Marcy.

No Mt. Pleasant CTE-no students will need to leave early from 3rd hour.  Students must be in the Media Center after lunch

GVSU is here today at 9a

After School Study is open today from 3:10-4:00.  See Mrs. Jorae, Mrs. Krieg, or Ms. Lehner.  Ms. Dailey’s group reports to Mrs. Krieg in room 310 today.

Peer-To-Peer for today 7th and 8th graders has been moved to tomorrow, Wednesday.   

There will be a spectators bus for the football game on Saturday.  Bus leaves at 10:45 am.  No cost to ride the bus, must pre-buy tickets on-line.  Cost is $9.00 at  Must sign up outside of the athletic office by Thursday at 3:00


Volleyball Regionals at home starting at 5:30, if you are attending you must purchase a ticket on - passes do not work