


Happy Birthday to Bryce Eichorn

Happy Birthday over the weekend to Mara Acker

Attention students:   Please be aware we have hydroseeded some areas around the student parking lot, please walk only on the sidewalks, stay off the grass.  Thank you

All guest passes for the homecoming dance must be turned in by Wednesday.

We still have long stem mums for sale, if you would like to buy one please stop in the office.

Junior float building on Saturday at 1pm at Lakyn’s house.

Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale today and Monday-Thursday next week. Tickets are $15 per ticket or 2/$25. 

Don’t forget the Powder Puff Football game will be this Sunday at 6:30, all free admission. If you are playing or coaching in PowderPuff, please plan on being there no later than 6:00!

Dress up day Monday is “Dress as the 1st letter of your name day”

LCC Rep is here next week - sign up outside the counseling office

Do you like to read?  Stop and check out the books in the Media Center hallway.  Take what looks interesting to you!  They are FREE.

The following students need to stop and see Ms. Brown in the Media Center today: Jenna Cantu, Faith Fisher, Cambre Foster, Marissa Gross, Alexis Madden, Alyssa McPherson, Phoebe Ochoa, Madilyn Piotrowski, Hailee Risner, Esperansa Sandoval, Lillian Sierakowski, Jordyn Smith, Rylee Turner, and Nora Vozar


Varsity Football at MLS bus leaves at 4:15

Saturday Sports:

JV Volleyball at Breckenridge Invite

Jr High Cross at Bath Jr High Regional

8th football at home 10:30

7th football at home 12:00

Freshman: We will be working on our float this week immediately after school in Mr. Marcy’s room.