


Happy birthday to Aidan Brewer and Brooke Wyeth

Athletes as soon as you are done with your spring sport, put your washed uniform in the can outside the athletic office. It is very important that we get uniforms as soon as possible. 

Students interested in testing out of a class sign up in the counseling office.  Forms are due back by June 5

Tutoring is closed through the end of the school year.

All girls wanting to play volleyball, there will be a meeting during your lunch tomorrow in the bench hallway. 

Speed Training will be in the High School Gym today at 3:10


Varsity Baseball at Sacred Heart bus leaves at 2:30, release 2:15

Varsity Track at the Mid-Michigan Meet of champions leaving at 3:15

Soccer at Laingsburg for Districts, game starts at 7pm, leave at 4:45