


Happy Birthday to Bryson LeBaron, Karson Litwiller and Cody Most

The blood drive is tomorrow. Blood donors should eat well and drink extra water to prepare to donate blood. Go to the gym at your scheduled time with a photo ID if you have one.

Enchanted Forest Prom 2023 Tickets are on sale for $30 per person. Tickets can be purchased before or after school from Mr. Hessbrook or Mrs. Casey in their classrooms any day of the week. Tuesday and Thursday they can also be bought at the beginning of lunch in front of the office.

Any 10th grader interested in Early College - see Mrs. Skeith.  


Golf at Alma Invite gone all day

Tennis at Chesaning bus leaves at 2:30, release 2:20

Softball at Valley bus leaves 1:45, release 1:35

Soccer home with Hemlock at 5:30