


Happy birthday to Ivy Davenport and Marissa Earl

There is no Mt. Pleasant or Alma CTE-all students should remain in class for the entire 3rd hour.

Ithaca FFA members competed in the Regional FFA Contests last Thursday. Congratulations to the following teams.

The Parliamentary Procedure Team received 1st place regional winner and heading to States.

Greenhand Conduct of Meetings team received 3rd place regional alternate.

Junior High Conduct of Meetings team received 2nd place and heading to states.

Nicole Hollabaugh competed in Extemporaneous Speaking received 2nd place and heading to states.

Pazlee Donovan in public speaking received 3rd place regional alternate.

Demonstration team received a silver award and Karly Marshall competed in the creed contest and received a silver award.

FFA meeting tonight at 6pm in the ag barn. Good and activity planned. 

Junior High Student Council meets during lunch today.

Jeffrey McNatt and Nataska Nowakowski, stop by the main office during passing time to get your prizes.  You are the Kindness Day scavenger hunt winners!


8th grade basketball home

7th grade basketball at Freeland dismiss at 2:50